Saturday, 22 January 2022

Update #1/2022 also known as "What's going down with the kids...erm..grumpy old git"


Well it's the first, pukka update of 2021 and I'm off to a flying start!....mostly. My problem is, like my expanding waist line, I appear to have adopted a broad front, not strategy, that smacks of deliberate planning; more a broad front...what? I dunno, either way I have, as ever, a lot going on and some of it seems to be going nowhere fast. However, and I know I suggested this idea an age ago, I reckon if I can keep a weekly update going from now on, then I will get places with my projects especially as I am making progress with getting the gaming garage to the point of being usable all year round!!

1/1 Scale Terrain

The Gaming Garage?.,,The Wargames Shed?...The Battle Box...whatever, has had some more much needed TLC since I last mentioned it on the blog. Firstly and most importantly I have managed to make it water proof by covering the leaky wall with tarpaulin. The lower part of the right hand wall needs replacing (I think this shed has been here since the house was built back in the 1930s so it's small wonder that it has corroded in places) but as funds are tight at the moment then the tarpaulin will have to do. And you can't notice it as the right hand wall backs onto our neighbour's place and has a fence and hedge up against it meaning it was a tight squeeze getting into the gap to fit the tarpaulin. Anyway, that has been addressed and should do for the moment.

Next, we have made the windows larger to allow in more daylight then painted the exterior of the garage to help the timbers last a bit longer.

Then we left it for a while as we were, to use a local term, scunnered with it all. However, now that we are past the holiday season and the days are getting incrementally longer we have been back out and making more progress with the interior of the garage.
To start with we have insulated it with wool insulation stapled onto the walls..

..then we have started adding 9mm MDF boards to give us an interior wall, which was fun (?) A close examination will show you it's all rather amateurish but hey, with a bit of luck and some judicious saving, we mean to replace the whole shebang in a couple of years. I have left a gap at the base of the wall to allow the bottom of the joists there to dry out completely which should be by the middle of the summer then I will cover them over. 

So there's only the window wall and doors to cover and insulation to be fitted to the roof which I hope to get done on my next couple of days off this week then it should be good for gaming in.

1/56 Scale Terrain

Good for gaming in and in which case it would be good to have some more terrain ready for future gaming. I have made minimal progress (which is still progress, isn't it) with my ruined factory and warehouse from TT Combat Warehouse Tank Factory set.  But only to the extent of giving it a coat of Sandex Bitter Chocolate paint. I have also found some extra terrain goodies in the shape of Anyscale Models accessories that I should have added before applying the cat litter and PVA glue...Doh! No worries though, I shall just gouge out some of the rubble and fit them in somewhere.

There's more painting to get done on these and I am keen to get them done and out of the hobby room as they are quite large and starting to block out the thin, wintery sunlight that makes feeble attempts to penetrate the hobby room window. Of course, I could probably do with washing said window but that would denude it of character or that's my excuse to the missus for not washing the window. 😀

Anyscale Models factory machinery


1/56 scale and 1/285 scale figures
A consistent theme and pretty constant stream is my 1/56 scale wargaming figures and for the moment Napoleonic French are getting the attention in this scale and also 6mm!!  Le Shock! Le Horror! Le Gasp! To be honest the painting has taken back seat to reshuffling figures from one game system basing convention to another. What I mean by that is that most of the figures I use for Sharp Practice and Black Powder are now going to rebased onto 40mmx 40mm bases for Black Powder rather than using the sabot bases I have been using. This rebasing is intended to create Standard sized units of 24 men and these rebased figures will be replaced by yet more plastic figures for Sharp Practice from the Perry Brothers French Elite Companies. I am in the process of rebasing all the Victrix figures that I have into mixed units of Voltiguers and Grenadiers. To make them up to strength I have had to paint up a few more figures.  
Overall, for 1/56 scale Black Powder I intended to churn out lots of French using a speedy, basic painting system which avoids painting eye lashes, clothing labels and socks. This is all for the future; summer or there abouts.

Rebased Perry Miniatures French Line Infantry

awaiting the rebasing. A mixed Grenadier battalion

and a mixed Volitguer battalion

Another scale we intend playing Black Powder in is 6mm and I have a whole heap of Bacchus Napoleonic French to paint up. To be honest how to paint 6mm figures has mystified me for quite a while but I have managed to find a method I can use so I have made a start on those tiny, wee fellows. 

6mm French; they'll do 

And as ever my painted Bolt Action forces continue to grow. in this case my Panzer Lehr and 21st Panzer Division vehicles. Pin washing and weathering is next for these. And once I have the garage up to scratch I plan to put into practice something I wrote about almost a year ago, that is converting a couple of Two Fat Lardies pint sized campaigns so that they are suitable for Bolt Action. I'll blog about the results as I go along.

1/35 scale Models
Finally for the moment, I am intending to take a long a few more figures and this time vehicles to the Scottish National Scale Model Show in mid-May with the other chaps from the Glasgow banch of the IPMS. I was tempted to paint up some more planes but I realised I might feel more of an actual, accomplished (?) modeller with more kits under my belt as opposed to reclining in my stash if I tackle stuff that I am already comfortable with so to that end I will concentrate on these vehicle kits till May 2022 and the Scottish National Scale Model Show and see if I can produce something nice to look at.

Looking forward to getting this chap
and his mighty steed painted up

And that's me for the moment. Pop back next week for another not even mildly exciting update on one or more of these projects.

Pip pip,

Saturday, 8 January 2022

Bolt Action: Germany '45. A Small Town In Germany. Scenario 2 Pushing Through The Markt Platz



We continue with the narrative campaign A Small Town In Germany based on many of the small, hard fought but necessary battles that the Allied forces had to conduct as they fought their way into Germany in 1945 in an effort to bring about the final collapse of the Third Reich.

The Battle for Beuggerdorf continues to rage. So far the 7th Battalion Scots Guards battle group have overcome the fairly stiff defence that the soldiers of the 1/203 Volksgrenadier Regiment have put up and now the battered defenders have pulled back to the centre of the town. Our campaign follows 6 platoon, B Company of 7 SG under the command of 2Lt Timmy McSporran and their exploits in the battle for Beuggerdorf.

The defending Volksgrenadiers under Hauptmann Schanke have pulled back to what are frankly poorly prepared defences in the market square where they once more hope to blunt the British attack.

This game was based on scenario 15; The Last Redoubt in the Campaign Fortress Budapest supplement as we felt it could easily be swapped to the Western Front to represent the desperate defensive battles the Germans were forced to conduct with a scarcity of equipment against a foe that had fewer such problems. In the siege of Budapest in 1944-45 the German and Hungarian defenders were vastly outnumbered by the Soviet and Romanian forces besieging them.

In this scenario both sides have the same points values to begin with (we went for 1000 points each) but then on top of that they also receive extra units for free (which we altered to suit our model availability. For instance the scenario gives the defenders a free medium howitzer but since I only had a light howitzer for my Germans I took that instead as I felt it reflected that lack of equipment availability. It also represented my lack of brains as I would rue the lack of firepower my force had....oh well,... c'est le jeu et c'est la dumb kopf or sumfink....). So besides the defenders receiving a free howitzer what else did each side get for free? 

The original scenario gives the defender a free howitzer and a free forward artillery observer team of three men as well as two City Siege Assets; Street Barricades (D3 6" linear hard cover obstacles that can be deployed outside the defender's deployment zone. These must be set up before deployment. In this scenario they are also objective markers worth one point each) and Fortified Building (choose one building. All infantry or artillery units inside the building add +1 to the extra protection offered by the building up to a maximum of 6+ to wound. I chose the building in the right hand side of my deployment zone to be my fortified building). Also the defenders cannot take any vehicles...gulp!
The attackers receive a free T34/85. Now the knowledgeable and the sharp eyed among you will have noticed a distinct lack of T34/85s in the British Army of WW2 (or any other era for that matter ) so the attackers get a Sherman V instead. They are also gifted a full strength Regular Infantry Squad (actually the option is for either a full strength Buda Volunteer Regiment made up of Hungarians who defected to the Soviets or a full strength Soviet Rifle Squad but we felt there might be a language barrier so a British Infantry squad was selected instead).

British. Richie continued with his current force of 1 Regular Platoon Commander plus 1 man, 4 sections of Regular infantry, a veteran Royal Engineer section in a Regular Ram Kangaroo, a Regular Forward Artillery Observer, PIAT team, Medium Mortar with spotter, a Regular Sherman and Wasp flamethrower carrier.
Germans. My force consisted of 1 Platoon Commander plus one, one Captain plus one, Medic, two Grenadier squads, two MMGs, panzerschrek team, and sniper who are all Regular plus two Inexperienced Volksgrenadier squads as well as the free artillery observer team. 

Set Up
The game was played out on a 4'x4' table. The terrain was set up to reflect the image below. The Germans deployment zone is marked out in red with the location of the free barriers and the howitzer position all mapped out.
The British deploy from the opposite table edge and must bring on at least half their force in the first wave with the remainder as a reserve. They can bring on the whole force as the first wave if they wish (Richie wished).
The whole German force is deployed within their deployment zone at the start of the game.
This scenario also includes the use of City Siege Assets as noted above. For every 500 points their force has a players may chose a City Siege Asset. The Germans have already been allocated; the free barricade and the fortified building. Rich chose two from the attackers selection; to whit a Preliminary Bombardment and Night Infiltration which allows him to set up two squads as per the spotters and observers rules. He set up two of his sections in two of the ruins on either flank.....great 😒 

Scenario map from the Fortress Budapest supplement

...and our interpretation. The three buildings that adjoin one
another in the bottom right of the photo count as one large
building. The German edge is to the bottom of the photo and
the British; can you guess, children? Yes, that's right, the
British come on from the top edge.

      As the 20mm cannon shells cracked overhead and chips of stone and mortar flew threw the air around them as the rounds clipped the walls, 2Lt McSporran and Sgt Parker crouched low in the ruined church. "We definitely have them on the run now, sergeant" shouted the young officer somewhat optimistically to his platoon sergeant. A deafening explosion shook the ruins as somewhere nearby a vehicle blew up. Sgt Parker watched as a wheel from the vehicle; one of their armoured car wheels thought Parker to himself, arced gracefully overhead. One time Motorised Transport Sergeant for D Company before he was made 6 platoon's sergeant, Sgt Parker had grown into the habit of noticing these kind of details about vehicles. "Aye sir, possibly, but they won't be going far if I know Fritz. We had better let the company commander we've taken the objective, sir; I'll get a casualty and ammo state from the platoon for you" McSporran nodded agreement as Sgt Parker, keeping low beneath the ruined walls, made his way towards where 1 Section ought to be......

      Hauptmann Schanke's lip curled in disgust as he looked at the state of the defenses the local Nazi party officials had organised for his troops in Beuggerdorf's market square. "Leutnant Liebkind! he shouted to his remaining platoon commander "Is this some sort of joke!". Leibkind grimmaced "The local burgermeister didn't want to cause any undue hardship and worry to the local businesses by turning their houses into defensive positions" Schanke could barely control his anger as Liebkind continued "Well apart from this building, his Café De Normandie bar; he has had this place fortified". "Probably to protect his stock" said Schanke as he went behind the bar of the café they were both standing in and took down a bottle of brandy from a shelf. Pulling the lid off the bottle he filled two glasses and pushed one to Liebkind. "To the Party, Liebkind! Where would we be without it?" Liebkind glanced swiftly around the room; they were alone, the troops who had entered to café with them had gone upstairs to set up their MMGs. He raised his glass to Schanke "To a better future, Hauptmann" Schanke threw back his head and swiftly swallowed his brandy before slamming his glass on the bar top. Coughing, he replied "Future?..if we get through today we'll be lucky! I think we...." he paused, poured himself another brandy and topped up Liebkind's glass. Drinking the second glass in a more measured manner, he wiped his lips and continued "..I think I had better go out to try and reorganise the positions in the square that our thoughtful Party officials have created for us. The Tommies will be here soon so you had better check the men upstairs and our reserve squad next door". So saying he put his cap on, saluted Liebkind and left the café just as the first of the artillery shells fell on the market square...

The Germans deployment, placed out as per the map in the
Fortress Budapest book, the deployment zone quickly fills
up and with a squad behind each barricade the howitzers
field of fire was consequently narrowed down. Richie chose
to deploy two sections in the marked buildings either side of
the German deployment zone putting Schanke's force under
pressure from the get go. He also chose to send his other two
squads up the flanks hemming the Germans in even more...
the fiend!! His preliminary bombardment was pretty effective
and with the enemy already engaging them from either flank,
I didn't have the luxury of time and space in which to rally my
chaps...Gott in Himmel!!

Hauptmann Schanke rushes to redeploy his men as
quickly as possible and to lend them moral support

The panzerschrek team await a target

Schanke's rapidly diminishing pool of Regular troops
thrust once more into the front of the battle. I had
hoped that they might fare better behind the barricades 
than the Inexperienced Volksgrenadiers and be able to
hold them longer. 

The very ineffective howitzer

     The market square erupted as shells crashed into it's cobbled roadways and parkland. The battered German troops manning the exposed positions hugged the ground as shrapnel scythed through the air and tore chunks of cobblestone from the roads and splinters from the trees surrounding the market square which added to the lethal hail flying around the prostrate Germans. The barrage, though deadly was also mercifully short. As the echoes of the last explosion died away there came the measured staccato of Bren Gun and rifle fire from either side of the square and the crack thump of rounds passing close over head.....

The gentlemen of the mortar platoon of 7 SG do
themselves justice. After the preliminary bombardment
the defenders were left reeling with every unit carrying
pins and Schanke now had a mountain to climb..

     Clambering through the rubble of the wrecked house, Corporal McGuire started positioning his men at the various advantageous spots overlooking the market square. He knew they were taking a hell of a risk being so close to the German infantry dug in around the square but he had a lot of faith in the men of the battalion's mortar platoon who were preparing to stonk the square shortly. Behind him he heard a clatter of bricks, the clash of metal on brick and a broad Scots voice swearing vociferously. Turning quickly he saw Guardsman Hooper, his section's Bren Gunner, clutching his shin. "Hooper, you bloody idiot, shut your bleeding mouth!" he said, grabbing the front of Hooper's battledress jacket in one hand and clamped his other over Hooper's mouth "Them bloody Jerries are the other side of the wall. If they don't kill you, I bloody well will" Hooper looked into Cpl McGuire's blazing, red rimmed eyes. McGuire's face was a mask of anger and hatred. Hooper had been sent to his section to replace McGuire's own Bren Gunner, Guardsman "Simmo" Simpson who had been killed that morning. His heart was full of hatred of the Germans and a burning desire to revenge young Simpson. Still clutching his shin Hooper nodded, unable to say anything with McGuire's hand over his mouth. Cpl McGuire removed his hand and let go of Hooper's jacket "Pick up that bloody Bren and follow me and do it quietly" he hissed. Hooper lifted the Bren and gingerly followed McGuire as he placed the remainder of the section. Just as McGuire made his way quietly back into the centre of the spread out section the whistle of mortar rounds in flight was heard above the noises coming from the market square as one of the German officers attempted to move his men around before the British arrived. Briefly the mortar rounds pummeled the market square. As the barrage died away. McGuire raised his voice "1 Section, enemy front, rapid fire!!" and the section opened up on the Germans in the square. 

1 Section move into position...

...and 2 Section across the square does likewise

     in the lee of a smashed building Lieutenant Archie Cardew, Forward Observation Officer of 101 Battery RA, stubbed out his cigarette, checked his map then jotted down a quick calculation in a rather soiled notebook then, taking the handset of the No.18 wireless set his radio operator was carrying, spoke briefly into the handset. Receiving an acknowledgement from the voice on the other end of the clipped conversation, Cardew offered a cigarette to the radio operator who declined then lit one for himself. Ahead of them the market place resembled a corner of hell with bullets zipping through the air, grenades exploding and, nearby the throaty rumble of approaching armoured vehicles. He bit his lip in anticipation. The large building diagonally opposite his position had at least two machine guns; what was it the Yank officer had called them, Hitler's Buzzsaw. How terribly colonial and probably accurate, thought Cardew as he had never heard a sawmill. In fact the only sawmill he had ever seen was in a rather funny Laurel and Hardy movie in the Odeon Cinema in Leicester Square with his parents, How they had laughed at the pairs antics. It seemed a whole lifetime ago. Now he was in the middle of Northern Germany about to bring down death and destruction on men he didn't even know, in fact he could barely see. As he looked towards the large hotel in the corner of the square a group of Germans ran from the building towards the square as the battery's ranging shot landed among them. Bits of body were blown through the air. "Cardew spoke into the handset "Fire for effect..." 

Lt Cardew and his radio operator calmly set about
their deadly trade...

Richie's Forward Observer's ranging shot. The Regular
squad in front were obliterated when Richie rolled a 6
for the effect and they then failed the resultant leadership
test which made a difficult mission a whole lot harder... 

3 Section following along behind 1 Section...

     Schanke was knocked to the ground by the explosions that landed behind him. Another brief barrage and as it stopped he raised his head and looked behind him. A newly created crater lay between him and the hotel. Surrounding the smoking hole lay the broken bodies of 3 Gruppe; tattered, charred limbs, smashed torsos, discarded weapons and equipment were all that was left of the eight men who he had seen exit the hotel a few moments before. As his head swam he saw more of his men running past. Something's wrong he thought. It took him a few more minutes to realise they were running the wrong way; they were running away. As he continued to lie there he found he couldn't blame them. Must be nice to be free of the threat of immediate death, to be free of the responsibility. Hands clutched at him "Herr Hauptmann, are you alright? Can you hear me?" shouted Hauptfeldwebel Gross as he quickly scrutinised Schanke's face and body for any obvious wounds. "I'm fine, Gross, just help me up. Why are those men running?" The hauptfeldwebel helped Schanke to his feet and as he did they both saw the reason for the men's hasty retreat. The dropped to the ground as a jet of flame from the Wasp Carrier jetted towards them.. 

The Sherman and Wasp II add to the Germans woes.
The flame thrower carrier cleared the barricade nearest
them then put Schanke and Gross out of action 

Looking for a target of opportunity like an MMG team
in a fortified building, the PIAT team are pushed forward

...meanwhile the Ram Kangaroo with the Royal Engineer
assault team aboard it makes it's cautious way forward; wary
of the liberal sprinkling of panzerfausts that were still in the
hands of the nearby Germans and the panzerschrek team at
the other end of the square. Pinned by shots from the LMG
fired by the Inexperienced squad in the building next to the
hotel, in the time honoured fashion the Kangaroo failed it's
order test and reversed to the table edge. 

One of the reserve squads rushes to secure one of the
other objectives on the table

A crumb of comfort...a very small, tasteless crumb
at that

6 platoon secure their objectives from the flanks..

..and in the square, seizing all three objectives there

     Lt Liebkind watched in horror as the flame throwing carrier fired it's deadly jet at Hauptmann Schanke. "Switch fire to the flamethrower, Krauss!" he shouted at the MMG team leader. In a swift, well rehearsed movement the machine gun team lifted the gun's tripod in the direction of the Wasp II and began peppering it with bullets. As they did so a panzerfaust roared out from the room beneath them and struck the carrier and it's lethal cargo. The carrier was blown apart in the resulting explosion. "Prepare to pull out, Krauss; back to the factory" he said to the MMG team leader then he headed for the stairs. Descending quickly he was greeted by the sight of Hauptfeldwebel Gross barging through the door, an unconscious Schanke, his coat smouldering, hung limply across Gross's shoulder. The men in room rushed to drag them both into cover. Sending one of his men to fetch the platoon's medic, Liebkind knelt beside the two wounded men. Hauptfeldwebel Gross spoke "The flames just missed us, herr leutant; we fell over into the crater and it shot past us. Christ, it was as hot as hell!" Gross held up his arm exposing his blistered hand and arm, the sleeve of his smock, hi jacket and shirt were gone, charred. smouldering tatters were all that remained. "Can you walk, Hauptfeldwebel?" Gross nodded and wincing, got his feet. Liebkind detailed a man to assist Gross then ordered three more to place Schanke on a shelter half and to carry him out of the back door of the bar. A clattering of feet on the stairs was followed by Krauss's machine gun team. "All clear upstairs, Herr Leutnant" Lienbkind nodded "To the factory, Krauss; and you men too" he said to the men carrying Schanke. Turning to the remaining two soldiers he said "Klinkerhoff, Schmalz; we'll cover the them. Who hit the flamethrower" One of the young privates spoke "Me sir". Liebkind nodded "Well done, Klinkerhoff; very well done. I'll see you get your tank destroyer award for that"  The young private smiled and muttered "thank you sir" Liebkind sidled up to the window and peeked out. Beyond the blazing wreck he could make out some movement but the Tommies seemed to have paused and to be reorganising themselves. He turned, the bar room was now empty except for his small, covering party. Covering party he smiled to himself. The Tommies are letting us go so that they can smash us at a later date he thought grimly to himself as he pushed the two privates towards the back door of the bar. On his way past the bar he picked up the half empty brandy bottle, took a swig then stuffed it into his smock...

The burning wreckage of the Wasp masks the
German withdrawal

End of Part Three

Well I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did. It was short, bloody and brutal...and fun. With the Germans deployed in the centre of the square Richie quite wisely chose the Night Infiltration City Siege Asset and before you could say "noch ein bier, bitte?" I was practically surrounded. The Preliminary Barrage, Richie's other City Siege Asset, could hardly have worked out better too as all the units deployed in the square took pins and I was left with the dilemma; rally or attempt a leadership test then fire at a reduced effect. Well it wasn't really much of a choice and fortunately Schanke's morale command radius helped with the tests. However hitting troops in hard cover while you are already carrying pins was a big ask. 
My howitzer was practically useless as all the enemy units were to close for indirect fire and screened by my own troops which nullified their chance of direct fire. Sheesh!! Perhaps smaller Veteran squads with a couple of LMGs and a panzerfaust apiece might have been a better option. In the original scenario, the recommended choice of troops, the Vannay Battalion Flying Squad are rated as Fanatics and I think that is something that is needed for the defenders in this scenario.
The Wasp II was very effective and I was glad to have been able to destroy it though destroying it earlier in the game would have been nicer. As it was Richie played a canny game with it. I had nothing in range of it that could damage it so I peppered it with rifle and machine gun fire hoping to add enough pins to make it difficult for it to pass a leadership test and then reverse and go Down. Richie was much to wily and waited till his last order dice of the turn to rally it. In the next turn it went first and a slighlty charred Hauptman Schanke was the result. With Schanke out of the game, I lost his potent You Men, Snap To It ability and his 12" morale bonus for my already battered force. With that it was all over bar the shouting...and some shooting. A very creditable victory to Richie and the men of 6 platoon. They are now faced with clearing the Germans from the factory on the outskirts of Beuggerdorf which will be final part of this narrative campaign. That is still a few weeks away as I work on building the ruined factory area and an additional unit for my Germans in the guise of the much despised Feldgendarmerie as Leutnant Liebkind now takes on the mantel of command after Schanke has been become hors de combat he needs to find another way of keeping his inexperienced troops in check.

Till then I have a few more updates from other projects but till then here are some Work In Progress pics of the factory and the Feldgendarmerie..

Thanks for dropping by, pip pip for now,
Jimbob, General (Nuisance, according to Mrs. General Jimbob 😄)

Empirical Army update #1 plus a little bit extra

So I have made some progress on my Empire Army repaint; in this case six Great Swords who were originally part of a larger twelve man unit. ...