Thursday, 27 August 2020

Bolt Action; Normandy '44. Combat at Ferme Renouee

Introduction:  I know what you're thinking "Didn't he just post a blinking batrep two days ago!?" Well you're absolutely right, I did. However Richie and I managed to fit in a quick game of Bolt Action last night and it was a belter. 

Scenario: Unlike our recent games this one wasn't part of a campaign (I know, wild aren't we) however as we are due to start another mini campaign set in Normandy 44 and we both had forces we wanted to try out (or re-try in my case) we decided on a 1000 point attacker/defender scenario from the rule book, Scenario 7; Envelopment. The narrative background (because there's always got to be a narrative, right?) was this; The US forces have just compelled the German Fallschirmjager to fall back. True to their tactical doctrine, the Fallschirmjager launch a counter attack almost immediately, intent on catching the US infantry force off guard as they attempt to consolidate their gains.

Set Up: This mission is played on a 6'x4' table. The defender deploys up to half their units anywhere within 12" of their table edge, the remainder of his force being reserve. Snipers, spotters and observers of both sides are set up after the defender has deployed and before the game begins. The attacker starts off the table and must nominate at least half his force as a first wave. This can be his whole force if he wishes (Richie wished just that). The attacker can't outflank in this scenario.

Objective: The attacker, in this case the Fallschirmjager, must move as many units as possible off the defenders table edge. The defender, my lovely, baccy chewing, coffee swilling Yanks, must stop them. 

Duration: The game lasts 6 turns. At the end of turn 6, roll a die. On a 4 or more play one further turn.

Victory: At the end of the last turn total up the victory points, these are as follows. The attacker gains 1 victory point for each enemy unit destroyed. He gains 2 victory point for each of his units inside, even partially, the defenders deployment zone and 3 victory points for each unit that exits the table on the defenders side. The defender gains 2 victory point for each enemy unit destroyed.

Special Rules: The only special rule, if you can call it that, was a Preliminary Bombardment for the attacker.

Forces: So, forces; we each had new or recently revamped forces we wanted to employ. Richie had put together a force of Fallschirmjager (what? You knew that already? But how could you possibly kn...oh, I mention it above, didn't I) where was I; oh yeah, Richie had put together a rather spiffing looking Fallschirmjager force but the chance to use them in a historical context hadn't occurred of late but now was to be their baptism of fire. His Fallschirmjager platoon was made up of;

Veteran 2nd Leutnant Walther Blummentwitt plus runner 

Veteran Fallschirmjager Squads x3. 8 men per squad with a mix of rifles, assault rifles and LMGs (One squad had two LMGs)

Veteran Sniper team

Veteran Medium Mortar with spotter

Veteran Sdkfz 222 armoured car

Veteran Stug III                                                                                    

Hardened veteran para Leutnant Walther Blummentwitt plus his runner

I had recently repurposed my US infantry, having "converted" then into a winter themed force by the rather cheap and shabby means of painting their hands as if they were gloved and some of their heads had scarves wrapped around them under their helmets then splodging snow paste on their bases. Feeling like a cheap bum I ended up replacing them with a proper winter themed US forces (see elsewhere on the blog) and removing all the glaringly obvious cheap effects so that they could once again return to the fields of Normandy for their games. We have a BIG game coming up soon and that require more chaps being built and painted but more of that in another post. Suffice to say I have new and not so new stuff in this force. Let's look at their composition. My US infantry force:

Veteran First Lieutenant Huxley A. Beauregard III and platoon runner

Veteran Infantry Squads x3 8 men strong, rifles and 1 BAR per squad. Tough Fighters (note that)

Veteran Medium Machine Gun

Regular Sniper team

Regular Medic

Regular Bazooka Teams x2

Regular Jeep with an MMG mounted

Regular Light Mortar

Regular M10 Tank Destroyer               

On the right, First Lieutenant Huxley A. Beauregard and his runner

Overhead view of our battlefield with the Ferme Renouee at the top. The US have
a toe hold on the ground to the right. The Germans are counter attacking from the
Oblique view because why not?

The main road running past the farm. Though littered with debris from previous
battles the farm itself had miraculously escaped harm

     Walther looked at his watch for the umpteenth time "Where is that bloody barrage?" he muttered to himself. The young para by his side glanced at his platoon commander "Pardon, sir?". "Nothing, Welkhammer, nothing" replied Blummentwitt as his ears picked up the whistling descent of mortar bombs in flight. He glanced quickly around him. Two of his squads were nearby, either side of him and just behind him he could discern the comforting barrel of  the Sturmgeschutz II that had been attached to his shrinking command. Since the Allies had landed four weeks previously his platoon had lost a lot of men dead and wounded. Some of the wounded had returned and he had been given some replacements but it wasn't enough. It would never be enough as long as the Amis, who seemed to have limitless men, guns and tanks, could keep the pressure up and carry on delivering barrages and attacks like the one they had delivered a short while ago. The Amis weren't great soldiers but they were getting better. Their last attack in this sector had forced his men back, though at a cost to themselves. And now, reinforced with a Stug III and, of all things, an armoured car; things must be getting desperate, Blummentwitt and his men were going to push the Amis back once more. As soon as the barrage lifted they would strike.

MMG team waiting for the Kraut to show his dumb head..

"You men keep well spaced apart; you here me now!?" shouted Huxley A. Beauregard to his platoon as they hurried forward, either side of the sunken lane. Just ahead of him Captain Fitzwilliam, the company commander was beckoning him on. Reaching the captain, Beauregard knelt down beside him. "Glad you got here in time, Hux. First platoon or what's left of them are spread out up ahead. They've pushed the Krauts out of their positions but no doubt those dumb asses will be back. Lt Argyle  has been wounded and taken back to the first aid post" Beauregard nodded, recalling the sight of the ambulance jeeps laden with wounded passing him and his men on their way back to the first aid post. "Get your men up there and take over what's left of First platoon; remember if the Krauts are working true to form, they'll be back soon. You'll have an M10 to keep you company and we have more reinforcements promised.....crap..GET DOWN!!" Beauregard was already diving for cover as the captain shouted the warning. On the far side of the bocage German mortar rounds pummeled the field in a short, sharp barrage. As the sound of the explosions drifted away, Beauregard and Fitszwilliams got up. The captain grabbed Beauregard by the arm "Better get moving, Hux" he shouted, propelling the young lieutenant forward. Beauregard turned to his men "Okay, let's go; follow me!" and he set off at the trot, heading up the track just as firing started up ahead...

The nature of the terrain meant limited fields of fire and difficulty in spotting

The light mortar waiting for a target

First Platoon's only surviving squad still fairly intact and ready to fight on

Keeping the farm on their left flank, the Fallschirmjager concentrate their
efforts on the centre and right side of the battlefield.

The Fallschirmjager squad with the two LMGs search out a good fire position. 

The German counter attack gains some weight as well as momentum as the
Stug III and the Sdkfz 222 deploy

Leutnant Walther Blummentwitt in action

Advancing somewhat recklessly, the 222 attempts to engage the bazooka team
in the field but their view is obscured. In reply, the bazooka team push up to the
hedge but the recce vehicle commander spots them and orders his driver to reverse.
In the same turn the second bazooka team advance and get very lucky as they
take out the 222 which can no longer recce away. 2 victory points to me.

Sergeant Nowayski's squad who will distinguish themselves by being beaten
in combat by a sniper team despite being, reputedly, Tough Figthers (for those
of you who aren't aquainted with Bolt Action, the Tough Fighter rule allows
you to reroll successful attacks to see if you get another) 7 attacks and not one 5.
Richie has two attacks and rolls one 5, winning the combat...bummer, another
victory point to Richie's boys.

The M10 makes a welcome appearance. It would do sterling service...sort of

Beauregard's second squad led by Sgt Ritzo Rattigan, arrive in the centre

In an attempt to gain a view of a target, the light mortar moves to a more exposed
firing position and draw some thankfully inaccurate sniper fire. He's obviously
better at hitting folk with the butt of his rifle than he is at firing it.

Blummentwitt watches the sniper, positioned by the wagon, in action

My .30cal totting jeep arrives on the table and is promptly destroyed by machine
gun fire from the Stug III. That's one victory point to the Germans so far

Bottom right, the LMG squad gets into a firing position. They would earn
their pay by wiping out the US MMG team, adding another victory point
and, in the final turn, getting into the US deployment zone.

Dakka dakka dakka. A German squad totting two LMGs is a very nasty thing to
face; 10 shots with 36" of range. Great bang for your buck.

By this point, turn 4, the Yanks were holding on and doing mmm..okay. They
weren't causing as many casualties as I would have liked but the Germans had
made good use of the cover. However, as the Germans crossed the track, they
became more exposed to US fire and after a narrow miss from a bazooka in the
side, the Stug runs out of luck as the M10 gets in a snap shot that literally cooks
the crews goose. That's 2 more victory points to the Yanks

One big threat removed, even in it's death throes, the Stug still assists the
Fallschirmjager by providing hard cover to them as the push forward

The First Platoon squad attempts to pin down the Fallschirmjager squad by the
Stug but to little avail

The Fallschirmjager squad in the centre reach their high tide mark as they start
gaining pins and losing the odd casualty here and there. But by the last turn they
were still there and I was unable to gain an extra 2 victory points to add to my bag

It's all looking a bit grim for the Fallschirmjager but they press on, little knowing
that they were about to get a break. The Fallschirmjager sniper team, appreciating
they weren't playing as dominating a role as they normally would, made a run for
the cottage nearby. They made it there only to be charged by 7 veteran US infantry
men who were Tough Fighters. As mentioned, it turned out badly for the Americans
who, defeated, fled the field of battle; the strain of the previous weeks of combat
obviously getting to them. The US left flank was wide open and the Germans had
another crucial victory point,. The sniper team capitalised on this by getting off the
battlefield, gaining the Germans another 3 victory points. 

The triumphant M10 pushes past its victim and tries to gain some more victory
points but even at point blank range firing it's main gun and HMG it is unable
to destroy the squad in the field! Not one casualty!!

The situation by the end of turn 6. Four Fallschirmjager remain pinned down by
point blank fire from all sides. The squad that had been taking cover behind the
Stug have been bested in close combat by Sgt Rattigan's squad. so that was at
least 2 more victory points. 

Turn 7 was very brief. The sniper team had exited the battlefield and Blummentwitt
and his 3rd Squad were in cover behind the cottage, gaining 4 victory points for
Richie. Over the course of the battle, the Germans had accounted for the MMG
team, a bazooka team, an infantry squad and a jeep so 4 points, the sniper team
leaving the battle field added 3 more and Blummnetwitt and the squad in the US
deployment zone added 4 more so that was 11 victory points in total to my 6!  

     As the noise of battle faded and evening began to descend over Normandy, the Fallschirmjager sniper crawled away from the abandoned jeep toward the hedge where his companion lay in hiding. Fifteen minutes and one hundred yards later he reached the hedge row and burrowed his way in. "Here, Hans, some Amis chocolate" he said in a low tone, handing a bar to Hans "I also got cigarettes, lots of cigarettes, and some coffee" Hans ripped off the wrapper and began biting chunks out of the chocolate bar. "Thanks, Werner, I'll make us some coffee then" he said and reached for a small, improvised stove he carried in his gas mask container but Werner stopped him. "No coffee and no smoking till we pull back, Hans; the smell and fire will give us away" Hans rolled his eyes "Damn I must be getting tired; I had clean forgotten that" he said "Did you leave the Luger on the bonnet, Werner?" he asked. Werner nodded in the gathering gloom "It won't draw any souvenir hunters in the dark but we'll see what the morning brings" So saying he settled down and nibbled at the corner of a chocolate bar....


    Well that was as excellent a game as we have had in a while. The mission for both sides was a tough one, especially for the Germans with so few resources. From turn 3 onwards it was looking very much in the Americans favour as the Germans had focussed al their efforts on the centre and right flank, from their point of view. This allowed the Americans to swing the M10 across the battlefield and cover the flank of the advancing Germans. However a rush of  blood to the head, the knowledge that my infantry squads all benefitted the Tough Fighters rule and the fact that the odds; 7 v 2, were very much in my favour I charged Richie's sniper squad and got a bloody nose, a very bloody nose indeed, for my pains. This justified Richie's gamble in ignoring his left flank and left me cursing my dice, the dice gods, the people up the street, knitting magazines, everything!! Seven attacks, needing 5s and I get to reroll those successes to see if I can get more but no, not a flipping one!! Aaargh!! Great stuff though, in retrospect,, it just added to what was already a great game. It happens to us all; that crucial roll that just doesn't go your way.
     As well as a great game, that terrain looked excellent; good enough to grace the pages of the rule book in my opinion. It was good to get Richie's excellent looking Fallschirmjager blooded. We had a discussion about those Fallschirmjager who are armed with the FG42, we're going to employ a house rule that puts them on a par with the American BAR, points and range wise, as it seems a bit rubbish not to give them something and just to count them as rifles.
It was also nice to get my US infantry back onto the table, looking somewhat better than they had in the recent past. I have further plans for them and some more units to add but I'll cover them in my next blog post.
     My thanks as ever to Richie for hosting the game and providing the coffee, the venue and sharing the cross table highly un-PC banter.

Pip pip for the mo,

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Bolt Action Batrep: Fortress Budapest: The Back Door Left Open

      This post records our latest visit to Fortress Budapest. We haven't played the campaign out chronologically and we're going back to an earlier scenario from the book; The Back Door Left Open. In late December 1944 the Soviets almost managed a stunning coup when a recce unit was able to penetrate right into the heart of Buda before they were rumbled out side the St Janos Hospital by a platoon from the University Assault Battalion and chased out. 
      We played this one at the Kriegschule Kampbell (otherwise known as Richie's garage) where we combined our terrain to create uptown Budapest. Oh, one reason why this scenario had been delayed was that I took an eternity putting together 4Ground's grand hotel that we were planning to use as the hospital. 
     In fact that wasn't all that I had put together for this scenario. I had also built a force from the specific Soviet theatre selector which meant new vehicles and crews as well as an ambulance to park outside the hospital.
4Ground's Grand (Heart Break) Hotel converted into a hospital.
Anyscale Model's Opel Blitz ambulance parked outside

The Scenario
      So, the Back Door Left Open scenario; a tricksy one to put together as it calls for the hospital to be defended by a platoon HQ and two squads from the Hungarian University Assault Battalion who are then reinforced by a further platoon from the Defenders of Budapest lit which has a fairly wide choice of infantry units both Hungarian and German. Since Richie doesn't have any Hungarian infantry we re-imagined the scenario as the hospital being one run by the SS and being defended by Regular SS squads (one of the newer types of units from the Fortress Budapest book) and reinforced by more of the same. Like all of the city scenarios from the book, this one was played out on a 4'x4' table

Set Up
      We set about setting upo the table as near to the book's suggestion but most of our undamaged (as mentioned before, this action took place early on in the siege of Budapest and mots of the city's buildings were still intact) buildings were Normandy themed hence we found the hospital was based in a requisitioned hotel in the French quarter of Buda....ahem...
Suggetsed terrain layout

      As you can see from the scenario map, the Axis, in this case the Germans, set up two squads and a platoon HQ within 18" of their table edge. These can be in buildings if the Axis player so wishes. The remainder are in Reserve. The Soviet player's forces begin off table and he must designate at least half his units as a first wave. The remainder are held in reserve. Outflanking isn't permitted in this scenario.

Special Rules
      Taken By Surprise: The successful infiltration by the Soviet recce frce has caught the defenders off guard. To represent this the first order dice drawn every turn may be returned to the bag and redrawn if it is a German one, if the Soviets wish it (and much good it did them)
     Delayed Reserves: The greatly desired German reinforcements are currently on the other side of the Danube; they cannot come on from reserve till the beginning of tunr three.
     Hidden Setup: The German forces who begin on the tablebenefit from the Hidden Set Up rules as per the rulebook

Forces Special Rules; Soviet Mountain Reconnaissance Squad
     Mounted Recon: The first time the squad dismounts from their vehicles (M3 Scout Cars or Universal Carriers) they can leave up to two men behind to man the extra weapons on these vehicles.
     Forward Detachment:This force must include enough transportsand/or twos (soft skinned or armoured) to transport all its inafntry and artillery.
     Set The Pace; "The momentum of the advance must be kept up" All armoured cars abd transport vehicles with at least one unit inside, are allowed to make a 12" move after both sides have set up. This can include coming on as part of a first wave. These units cannot be targetted by units on Ambush.
    Reconnaissance Platoon: Any M3 Scout Car, Universal Carrier and Jeep in this force can take the Recce rule for 10 points per vehicle.
    Specialised Unit: The Forward Reconnaiscance Party do not benefit from the "Quantity Has A Quality Of It's Own" Soviet national rule. 
     The Soviets are tryiong to take as much griound as possible for their follow up forces to exploit. The Axis are trying to establish a coherent battle line to prevent any further Soviet advance.

Game Duration
     The player play 6 turns. At the end of turn 6 roll a die; one a 1, 2 or 3 the game ends; 4, 5 or 6 play one more turn.

     At the end of the game tally up the victory pints to calculate who has won. As usual in Bolt Action you need two clear victory points to win, otherwise it's a draw.
     As per the norm in BA, it's 1 victory point per unit destroyed. The Axis player gains 3 victory points for each Soviet unit still in the Soviet half of the table at the end of the game. The Soviets player gain 2 points for each of their units within 12" of the Axis table edge at the end of the game.

Soviets. I chose the following for this daring advance;
Forward Detachment Reconnaissance Party
Veteran Senior Lieutenant plus two men
Veteran Recce Squad x4 (2 of 5 men, 2 of 8 men with a mix of SMGs, LMGs and rifles)
Veteran Universal Carrier x3 one armed with an anti tank rifle, all three armed with pintle mounted LMGs
Veteran M3 Scout Car x2 both armed with HMGs
Veteran M4 Sherman
Note. The universal carriers and M3 Scout Cras all had the Recce special rule

Germans. This SS force is drawn from the Budapest Pocket Defenders theatre selector. Richie brought;
Veteran First Lieutenant plus 1
Regular SS squads x5 (8 men per squad with an LMG, SMGs and a panzerfaust per squad)
Veteran Pioneer Squad (8 men with flame thrower and panzerfaust)
Regular Sdkfz 251
Regular Medium mortar with spotter
Regular Sniper
Regular light howitzer
Regular Panzer IV

     The streets began to lighten as a dawn broke over the city. There were very few people on the streets and for that Senior Lieutenant Walther Zonavobisch was grateful. His orders had been simple; penetrate as far as possible,observing and sending back word of the enemies defenses and dispositions. This he and his reconnaissance force had started during the night. As they had advacned they were on high alert, expecting at any moment to be discovered and attacked. However they had been both lucky and unlucky. Not only had they not been attacked but, up until now, they hadn't seen any of the enemy! Zonavobisch knew that their luck would run out soon though. With daylight creeping over the city their vehicles, a mix of Lend-Lease Universal Carriers, White Scout Cars and a Sherman tank, would soon be recognised for what they were. Zonavobisch had decided to chance his luck, He reckoned if they could find a building with a walled yard; a factory or warehouse, his force might be able to hide up till dusk and continue their task. It was a big risk but no more than turning around and hoping to get back to the Soviet front line without a fight. 
     The part of Buda that were now in was fairly residential with little sign of any industrial buildings. Time was running out fast, already the few people on the street were beginning to pay attention to them. Gazing around pensively his eyes caught sight of a large red cross painted onto the roof of a large building up ahead; a hospital, that might do at a push. If nothing else it might give them some collateral when the inevitable fight began. The Fritzes were less likely to shell a hospital full of their own wounded. And the red cross on the roof would make his men's position more easily recognisable to his own artillery and a good reference point for the Soviet artillery observers.
     Zonavobisch ordered his driver to stop. As his vehicle came to a halt, Zonavobisch leapt from it and running to the Sherman tank behind his command car, he clambered aboard and beckoned to his second in command. Sergeant Bialistok, to join him on the tank. Bialistok jumped down from the Universal Carrier he was riding in and climbed up onto the tank. Here Zonavobisch pointed out to Bialistock and the tank commander the hospital and explained the plan.  
The area surrounding the hospital. So far untouched by the war;
that was about to change
     Gritting his teeth, Obersturmfuhrer Traudin Schiedt began splashing the cold water on his face. He had tried in vain to lather the ersatz soap but it was useless; the grey shapeless lump that passed for soap started to disintegrate leaving the water with a scummy, unappealing film covering its surface. Quickly he washed his chest, neck and armpits before rubbing himself on a threadbare piece of a towel then drew his shirt on over his head. "Damn this bloody cold" he muttered to himself. Dipping the corner of the towel in the basin he wet his face then began shaving, a less painful exercise than it had been when they had first reached the accommodation four days previously. He glided his open razor around the four day old cuts on his chin and whistled tunelessly. 
     Looking in the mirror on the chest of drawers he could see the still warm bed behind him; there was a glimpse of long, golden hair on the pillow and a naked, slim leg and foot protruding from beneath the blankets. He smiled then winked at his reflection "You lucky dog, Traudin" he muttered. 
     These last few days out of the line had been a godsend. His platoon had been rotated out of the line after taking a mauling in the vicious fighting at the front. Schiedt and his men had been sent to the Divisional hospital in Buda and accommodated in requisitioned buildings nearby. He and his men had been given light duties during their rest; mainly unloading supplies and, much to the men's dismay, ambulances as they arrived from the battlefields to the east of Pest. Despite their workload, the men had at least been fed and had had a chance to delouse and get some well deserved rest. And last night he had had the good fortune to be invited to an impromptu party at the nurses accommodation.
     Finishing his shave, Schiedt's mind and stomach had begun to wander towards thoughts of breakfast when the sound of armoured vehicles outside intruded on his musing. Out in the street a shot rang out followed by more accompanied by shouts as orders rang out in German and Hungarian. The noise was almost drowned out by the clatter of hob nailed boots running along the corridor. His room door was thrust open and a young SS trooper, fully dressed in combat gear and clutching his rifle shouted at his platoon commander "Herr Oberscharfurher! There are Soviets outside!!" 

Soviet Recce Force commander; Senior Lieutenant Walther
Zonovabisch (centre)

On the left,a freshly shaved and deloused 
Oberscharfuhrer Traudin Schiedt

Early morning in the..ahem,,,French Quarter of
Buda....tres calme,....tres tranquille....

The Soviet recce force are rumbled by the SS troops
in the hospital (if anyone is going to know what a
Soviet looks like its them!). The Soviets pushed
forward at a dash, hoping to overwhelm the Germans
before their reinforcements arrived

The Soviets Lend Lease Sherman, reputedly crewed by a parcel of
Cossacks who are prone to a bit of looting...I mean acquiring trophies
of war which they mean to carry back to the Motherland as physical
proof of how much better Soviet clock and rug making is compared
to the capitalist rubbish 

The ill fated squad who had been aboard the White Scout
Car in the picture had debussed and were making their way
through the ruin next to the scout car, hoping to use the cover
of the back yards to get into a firing position overlooking the
street. The yellow building up ahead housed one of the two
SS squads on the table as well as Traudin Schiedt. The Soviet
squad from the Universal Carrier had also debussed and were
making their way through the backyards towards the hospital.

The crew of the Universal Carrier hug the side of the cafe
in an attempt to avoid the Germans on the first floor firing at

Walther Zonavobisch orders his men forward. He and his two men
made for the hospital which contained the mortar spotter hiding in
the attic. Easy meat if they can make it to him.

Mobile fire support of a rather light and fairly ineffective nature

Burning fire support. The Universal Carrier was forced
back then hit by a lucky (or unlucky if your the Soviets)

Wary of the open deployment space behind the buildings,
the Soviets were keen to get into the buildings as soon as
possible. However that meant risking being caught in a
counter attack by the SS squads inside....decisions...decisions!!

On the other street, the exchange of fire is equally ineffective
with the Sherman tank commander cursing the M3 Scout Car
driver for parking in his line of fire!!

Turn 3. The German reinforcements begin to arrive. On the street in
front of the yellow building a half track full of veteran assault
pioneers pulls up and the pioneers dismount. Spotting the Soviets
in the garden of the ruin they quickly hose them with flame and
small arms fire which is too much for the veteran recce squad who
do a runner, the two who are left that is from the original squad of
eight!! Curses!! I'm own two order dice already!!

The very effective veteran SS Pioneer squad

The Soviets are losing men but with little choice they hang
on in there

The recce force's other big gun apart from the Sherman's 75mm
was this anti tank rifle mounted on a Universal Carrier

Breaking cover, another squad makes a dash for the hospital
across a street thick with flying bullets........

...and three of them make it to the cover of the hospital,,

The crew of the M3 Scout Car continue to peck away the Germans
in the former bank.

The Soviet tank commander wonders if there is time to nip into a
nearby shop for a browse...

The Germans bring on some serious support, Panzer IV and a light howitzer

From the frying pan into the fire! Two of the Soviet recce vehicles push
forward and attempt to surprise and suppress the Germans....attempt.....

...meanwhile the second Scout Car gets caught up in  a tussle with the
Panzer IV at incredibly close quarters...

...and get's away with only a pin!! And not only once but twice the Panzer IV
hit the Scout Car at point blank range and twice it rolled a 1 for the damage!!

By the hotel, the recce squad have been reduced to
two men which actually increases their chances of
 survival as they are now a Small Team

A rush of blood to the head causes one of the recce carriers
to attempts to shoot up a German squad at close quarters
with the inevitable result that it is panzerfaust-ed in reply

The anti tank carrier, leaving the Panzer IV behind,
pushes into the German rear zone

     On the second floor of the hotel, Walther gestured his men ti freeze. They all stopped and Zonavobisch put a finger ti his lips for silence. Listening intently they heard the Germans in the room below. Zonavobisch whispered hoarsley to his men "Turgenev, move quietly down to the room the Fritzes are in. As soon as we fire, you move in and finish them off; understand?" Sergeant Turganov nodded then he and his men quietly descended the stairs, the sounds of the German voices covering the squeaking steps. In seconds they were by the door. The last man of the squad nodded to Zonavobisch who stepped into the room above the Germans and he and his runner fired their SMGs into the floor in the direction of the German voices. They heard the cries from below, the door slam open, the other Russian weapons start firing followed by more cries, return fire and then the sounds of a scuffle followed by an abrupt silence. A brief, unnerving pause was broken by the sound of Turganev's voice, ordering his men to collect the German weapons and ammo. A pistol shot rang out then Turganev shouted again "That one nearly got you, Malenkov!!: make sure they are all dead then collect their weapons!" A few minutes later they reappeared on the stairs though there were only three of them left...

In the hospital, Walther Zonovabisch and the remains
of a recce squad, having finished off an SS squad in
some bitter hand to hand fighting, make for the illusory
safety of the attic.

Out in the street, the Pioneer squad get carried away and have a field day;
starting with the scout car, their flamethrower toasts it after it had recce'd
away. Then they turned their attention on the Sherman which they hit with
a panzerfaust with quite spectacular effect. This, unfortunately, lost them
the game as the Sherman was worth more points in one piece and in my
deployment zone.

     Traudin stood in the lee of the old bank. Before him the street was littered with burning enemy vehicles and the dead and wounded from both sides.As the shooting began to die down the Pioneer squad leader, Rottenfuhrer Schmidt, and his men began searching the Soviet dead and wounded as medical staff emerged from the nearby accommodation; dazed and stunned by the brief brutality of he sudden battle. As Traudin lit a cigarette, one of his men ran up to him "Herr Oberscharfuhrer, there are Soviets in the hospital!!" 

Happy with how things stand, Traudin attempts to regain
some control over his men and have a smoke at the same


     So ended yet another smashing battle. Despite being a fairly fragile force and taking a lot of punishment my Soviets actually managed to sneak a win! And it all boiled down to the Germans destroying the Sherman. If they had not fired at it and destroyed it. With two units in the hospital, three on the far side of the cafe and one squad of Germans bested in combat I had managed a grand total of 9 points while the Germans had accrued 6 points. If they hadn't destroyed the Sherman it would have been a draw
    The scenario itself is very good indeed and sets up both sides for a winner takes all gamble.The Soviets need to push forward as fast as they can and gain ground and cover quickly before the German reinforcements begin to make their presence felt. Equally the Germans are relying on their reinforcements getting onto the table on turn 3 as the clock is ticking.
     As ever, it was a cracking game against Richie and his SS, even though they were only Regulars this time around they still proved their mettle. The game had a few comic moments besides the Panzer IV only putting two pins on the scout car at point blank range in two consecutive turns!! (Still can't believe that!!) The combat in the hotel was very close and somewhat hairy as neither side inflicted a casualty in the first round and the Soviets only managed one in the second round while the regular SS chaps again failed to wound!!
   It's definitely a scenario we'll have to revisit in our Budapest campaign. However, for the moment, D Day and Normandy beckon. Thanks again to Richie for hosting the game and supplying excellent coffee and biccies into the bargain and for only drinking a couple of very tasty looking drams in front of me knowing full well I have to abstain as I have to drive home!! Oh the iniquity of it all.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed the batrep and apologies for the delay in posting; life just gets in the way as I'm sure you can appreciate.

pip pip, 

Empirical Army update #1 plus a little bit extra

So I have made some progress on my Empire Army repaint; in this case six Great Swords who were originally part of a larger twelve man unit. ...