Sunday 6 May 2018

Weekly Round Up Part the Third

it has been a rather odd week. I've been off work since last Thursday with tonsilitis then, since midweek, my missus has been staying at her sister's as the family has been the centre of one of modern life's tragedies.
So, in an effort to distract myself from the tragedy I've burnt midnight oil, listened to three audio books and painted.

So it has been a productive week from the painting figure point of view, first up, having recently gotten into In Her Majesty's Name and being uite taken with the idea of Victorian Sci Fi I had bought a couple of the "company" sets from the most excellent North Star Miniatures; too whit the Scotland Yard set and

the Black Dragon Tong. I'm intending to do a separate post on these companies and my other home brew ones.

To add to the VSF them I also bought a Sky ship from Blotz, one of the inummerable small companies who produce wonderful terrain from MDF. This wonderful looking contraption is, according to Blotz, an Oxford class patrol ship. It took about an hour to put it together. It's not particularly difficult just a wee bit involved.

Right now I don't have a crew for her but ideally I would like to have two; one for the Royal Navy and one a hijacked one with a mercenary crew. IHMN has three supplements out at the moment and in the Gothic supplement, besides vampires, werewolves and all manner of delightfully mad Gothic companies it has Sky Pirates. The finances forbade buying a complete crew but I did buy these two beauties from Artizand Designs

Finally, I realised i needed some distinct leaders for my Sharply Buffed gamee ffor Deep Fried Lard. I knew that I wanted a mounted leader for my New Model Army force and one on foot for the Covenanters force so I bought the command sets for both sides from Perry Miniatures ECW range. And rather spiffing they are too.

On top of that I realised that I needed to put together more units for this game so II have put together more shotte for both sides, to skirmishing groups for the Covenanters and another unit of pike for the NMA.

A productive week; I also had a couple of solo games of IHMN on Monday but I'll do a batrep for that. Meanwhile it's back to work tomorrow and Carronade at the end of the week, which iis always something to look forward to.
pip pip


  1. That Sky Ship looks the business. Can't wait to see that on the table.


  2. It's a corker, isn't it. I'm in the process of adding some detail to it and trying to decide on a colour scheme. I reckon the same sort of colour scheme as a 1890s RN pinnace should do (I wonder if I overthink these things 😁 )


Empirical Army update #1 plus a little bit extra

So I have made some progress on my Empire Army repaint; in this case six Great Swords who were originally part of a larger twelve man unit. ...